Fifteen kilometers from the bustling city of Kandy, the village of Moragolla lies along a winding, ascending road that leads to Galaha via Ampitiya and Thalathuoya, offering a scenic journey through Sri Lanka’s countryside. In the spirit of adventure and discovery, my wife, two sons, daughter, and I ventured to this tranquil village, staying in a charming, well-equipped cottage far removed from the rush of daily life. The transition was remarkable—slowly shifting from the chaos of city life to the serene, untouched beauty of the mountains. The change was not only in the landscape but also in the relaxed, yet vibrant attitudes of the locals, making it a truly refreshing experience. On our second day, feeling refreshed from the peaceful start, we decided to hike up to "Muthukeliya Wewa," a serene lake nestled in the mountains. This region, once known for its pristine, manicured tea estates, has now evolved into a landscape of thriving farms and expansive, wild green f...
It is all about the journey. Should not essentially be conventional, abundant, a destination or even planned, but just impulsive. Need to go venture and smell the flowers. Take your time.